Empower Yourself. Save Lives. Order CellAED -
Your Smart Defibrillator

CellAED® life-saving technology
in the palm of your hand

Snap Peel Stick™ to apply in seconds

How it works

Power device by snapping in half along perforated centre line. This will automatically start the audio instructions guiding you on what to do, every step of the way.


Remove the protective liner under the device by continuing to separate the two halves. This will expose the integrated gel pads and extend the connecting cable


For adults, place each half of the device on the bare chest (as shown). For infants, place one half on the infant's chest and the other half on the infant's back.

Minutes make the difference between life and death
handheld design
Ease of Use
smart technology

Between 7 and 9 million people die from sudden cardiac arrest each year. It kills quickly. Too many people die at home because they don’t receive defibrillation in time. This does not need to be you or your family.

Before now, AEDs (automated external defibrillator) were too expensive and too intimidating to use. They appear complicated and confusing, with many people fearful or anxious to use one. 

With CellAED®, we have helped solve this problem. CellAED® is the world-first handheld, smart personal AED. Not only is our AED easy to use and carry, it is also more affordable for the home, workplace and community.

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What our customers think

When you placed your order, you will have received an order confirmation email which tells you the expected delivery date. If you have specific questions about your order, please quote you order number and contact us at cellaed@hibernianhealth.com

Changing your address, payment or other personal details registered with us is easy. Simply contact us via email cellaed@hibernianhealth.com.

You do not need to connect your CellAED® to a network. Network connection is not required for your product to function as a life saving medical device. If cellular coverage is available, your CellAED®️ will automatically connect to the network for regular device status updates as part of the CellAED for life™️ membership, as well as the uploading of data recorded anonymously during emergency use.

If, for whatever reason, you need to cancel your order, no problem – your payment is fully refundable. You can contact us via cellaed@hibernianhealth.com

No. Your CellAED® comes with a non-rechargeable battery and will arrive pre-charged.

Your CellAED®️ will have a product expiry of 2-years. You can find the expiry date printed on the back of your CellAED®️ protective case.

No. CellAED® is a fully integrated product designed to work without needing to worry about replacing parts like battery or gel pads.

© Copyright Hibernian Healthcare | All rights reserved


CellAED device


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Trainer Device


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Membership Pricing

CellAED for life is a membership designed to help prepare and empower you and your family to respond confidently to a sudden cardiac arrest.

Being a CellAED for life member is designed to give you peace of mind, so that you and your CellAED® will always be ready if called into action and it also helps to provide answers after such an event

1 Year
Instructional training video on how to use CellAED®
Replacement of your CellAED® upon use
Personal access to event data for the one who experienced the cardiac arrest
Free shipping and returns on each replacement CellAED® over the life of your membership
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2 Year
Instructional training video on how to use CellAED®
Replacement of your CellAED® upon use
Personal access to event data for the one who experienced the cardiac arrest
Free shipping and returns on each replacement CellAED® over the life of your membership
Complimentary replacement of your CellAED® prior to shelf-expiry of your old device 
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Benjamin Culiff

17 year-old cardiac arrest survivor

My story is testament to the fact that sudden cardiac arrest really can strike anyone, anywhere, at anytime

David Whiting

Sudden cardiac arrest survivor

Peace of mind, that hopefully you never have to use it, but you have something at hand that literally can save someone’s life.

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